Ok i have been trying to keep two blogs going and it is very hard...this is me officially saying that i will no longer update here on blogspot, if you still want to read what i have to say please come to the new blog at http://everyonehasananime.wordpress.com
there may be a redirect from here to the wordpress blog soon but i dont know how well google will take it so im holding off on that for now...
Everyone has an Anime
Reviews and Recommendations of all kinds of Anime
I truly believe that there is at least one Anime out there for anyone no mater what you like and i will try to introduce you to those through these reviews and recommendations ^_^
looking for a specific anime? there are links to every review i have done on the bottom ^_^
looking for a specific anime? there are links to every review i have done on the bottom ^_^
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Shiki (aka 屍鬼)
Available in English sub
Mystery, Horror, Psychological, Vampires, Gore
If you liked Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Dance In The Vampire Bund, Death Note, Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, or Monster you might enjoy this
Watch it free here:
http://www.hulu.com/shiki this is hulu so you will have commercials
Buy Here: not available in English but the Japanese w/English subs is here
boxset: will cost about 15 USD (if you get it now)
Shiki - TV Series Complete Box Set (DVD)

This anime had a very interesting story that latched onto you from the first few moments of the first episode to the final seconds of the last episode. The true purpose of the story is to make you think “what would I do if that were me?” The looked at what most people would do then at what a small portion would do and how they would be treated for thinking that way. The characters are all fighting a moral dilemma within there minds over what they should do. This may not be as good a vampire anime as Hellsing but I would say it takes the silver medal. The entire story (like most horror anime) takes place in a small village in the mountains that seems isolated from neighboring cities. The series follows Natsuno Yuuki, Seishin Muroi, and Toshio Ozaki, for the most part, as the main characters. The first episode does not show this much though as you are following Megumi Shimizu who introduces us to the main characters. We follow Megumi around for a few days as she talks about how everyone in town is lame and unstylish with the exception of Natsuno who came from a big town. She watches as a castle like house is built and hopes that whoever lives there will look at how pitiful her life in the town is and would adopt her as their kid. When the new family arrives in the middle of the night it is the talk of the town. Megumi immediately goes to meet this family the first chance she gets. This is when strange health patterns start happening to people in town.
Available in English sub
Mystery, Horror, Psychological, Vampires, Gore
If you liked Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Dance In The Vampire Bund, Death Note, Seikimatsu Occult Gakuin, or Monster you might enjoy this
Watch it free here:
http://www.hulu.com/shiki this is hulu so you will have commercials
Buy Here: not available in English but the Japanese w/English subs is here
boxset: will cost about 15 USD (if you get it now)
Shiki - TV Series Complete Box Set (DVD)
This anime had a very interesting story that latched onto you from the first few moments of the first episode to the final seconds of the last episode. The true purpose of the story is to make you think “what would I do if that were me?” The looked at what most people would do then at what a small portion would do and how they would be treated for thinking that way. The characters are all fighting a moral dilemma within there minds over what they should do. This may not be as good a vampire anime as Hellsing but I would say it takes the silver medal. The entire story (like most horror anime) takes place in a small village in the mountains that seems isolated from neighboring cities. The series follows Natsuno Yuuki, Seishin Muroi, and Toshio Ozaki, for the most part, as the main characters. The first episode does not show this much though as you are following Megumi Shimizu who introduces us to the main characters. We follow Megumi around for a few days as she talks about how everyone in town is lame and unstylish with the exception of Natsuno who came from a big town. She watches as a castle like house is built and hopes that whoever lives there will look at how pitiful her life in the town is and would adopt her as their kid. When the new family arrives in the middle of the night it is the talk of the town. Megumi immediately goes to meet this family the first chance she gets. This is when strange health patterns start happening to people in town.
2011 spring anime list
30-sai no Hoken Taiiku
A Channel
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae o Boku-tachi wa Mada Shiranai.
Ao no Exorcist
action, comedy, drama, supernatural, demons
preview for Steins;Gate
シュタインズ ゲート
Steins;Gate (TV)
Mystery, Sci-Fi
set to debut April 2011
official website: http://steinsgate.tv/index.html
Synopsis (according to animenewsnetwork)
Steins;Gate is about a group of friends who have customized their microwave into a device that can send text messages to the past. As they perform different experiments, an organization named SERN who has been doing their own research on time travel tracks them down and now the characters have to find a way to avoid being captured by them.
Preview for Ao no Exorcist
Ok so this is the new thing I was going to start just to introduce it. These are more of the in between posts and will consist of a small description and any preview videos I can find for the anime. These are all for the new upcoming seasons so these will probably only be coming out near the end the current seasons.

Ok to the preview:
Ao no Exorcist (aka Blue Exorcist)
action, comedy, drama, supernatural
set to debut April 2011
official website: http://www.ao-ex.com/
Synopsis (according to Manga-Updates)
This world consists of two dimensions joined as one, like a mirror. The first is the world in which the humans live, Assiah. The other is the world of demons, Gehenna. Ordinarily, travel between the two, and indeed any kind of contact between the two, is impossible. However the demons can pass over into this world by possessing anything that exist within it. Satan the god of demons, but there’s one thing that he doesn’t have, and that’s a substance in the human world that is powerful enough to contain him!! For that purpose he created Rin, his son from a human woman, but will is son agree to his plans? Or will he become something else…? An exorcist?
Ok to the preview:
Ao no Exorcist (aka Blue Exorcist)
action, comedy, drama, supernatural
set to debut April 2011
official website: http://www.ao-ex.com/
Synopsis (according to Manga-Updates)
This world consists of two dimensions joined as one, like a mirror. The first is the world in which the humans live, Assiah. The other is the world of demons, Gehenna. Ordinarily, travel between the two, and indeed any kind of contact between the two, is impossible. However the demons can pass over into this world by possessing anything that exist within it. Satan the god of demons, but there’s one thing that he doesn’t have, and that’s a substance in the human world that is powerful enough to contain him!! For that purpose he created Rin, his son from a human woman, but will is son agree to his plans? Or will he become something else…? An exorcist?
Higurashi no naku koro ni
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (aka When They Cry - Higurashi)
Available in both English sub and official English dub
Mystery, Horror, Psychological, Thriller, Explicit Content
If you liked Elfen Lied, Death Note, School Days, Shadow Star Narutaru, or Jigoku Shoujo you might enjoy this
Watch it free here:
Or here:
http://www.animeseason.com/higurashi-no-naku-koro-ni/ - subs only
Buy Here:
boxset:sold out everywhere!!! T_T
complete set: will cost about 30-45 USD
When They Cry - Complete Set (DVD)

Ok so this is a very VERY complicated story. I’m going to give the basic layout of how the story went because the first time I watched it I literally said out loud “what the f%$k just happened!?!” Now just as a warning to all of you that are week in the gore department this series has a lot of blood and violence. This is not just to have it in the show but because of the show itself, if that makes sense. The season follows a pattern that is strange for most people not familiar with the novel/game that this was made from (this is where the whole WTF thing happens) the game starts with four "question" arcs and concludes for four "answer arcs" this anime covers all four of the question arcs and two of the answer arcs. While the individual arcs have related back story, characters, and the like, they are not chronologically sequential so putting together a working plot is a little difficult to start off, but this is what make Higurashi so interesting and makes you beg for more. So we start this series off as Keiichi Maebara moves to Hinamizawa, a small rural village. He goes to class and joins a club that plays games after school. Basically it starts off as any comedy anime would, set the only guy character up with several girls around him, make visual jokes with the characters everyone has a laugh and we all go home, but there is just something not right with this picture maybe it a look in the animated eyes but there is always something in the first two episodes that let you know that there is just something not right in this seemingly perfect world. As they get close to the Watanagashi festival keiichi learns about a string of serial killings that happen on the night of the festival and as he learns more he becomes entangles in the killing cycle. From here the stories diverge, with each of the arcs having the characters react slightly differently to certain events which result in drastic differences to the overall plot. The arcs range from two episodes to six episodes. The first two are both four episodes long just to get you into the feel of the anime and not throw you into the deep end of the chaos that is Higurashi.
Available in both English sub and official English dub
Mystery, Horror, Psychological, Thriller, Explicit Content
If you liked Elfen Lied, Death Note, School Days, Shadow Star Narutaru, or Jigoku Shoujo you might enjoy this
Watch it free here:
Or here:
http://www.animeseason.com/higurashi-no-naku-koro-ni/ - subs only
Buy Here:
boxset:sold out everywhere!!! T_T
complete set: will cost about 30-45 USD
When They Cry - Complete Set (DVD)
Ok so this is a very VERY complicated story. I’m going to give the basic layout of how the story went because the first time I watched it I literally said out loud “what the f%$k just happened!?!” Now just as a warning to all of you that are week in the gore department this series has a lot of blood and violence. This is not just to have it in the show but because of the show itself, if that makes sense. The season follows a pattern that is strange for most people not familiar with the novel/game that this was made from (this is where the whole WTF thing happens) the game starts with four "question" arcs and concludes for four "answer arcs" this anime covers all four of the question arcs and two of the answer arcs. While the individual arcs have related back story, characters, and the like, they are not chronologically sequential so putting together a working plot is a little difficult to start off, but this is what make Higurashi so interesting and makes you beg for more. So we start this series off as Keiichi Maebara moves to Hinamizawa, a small rural village. He goes to class and joins a club that plays games after school. Basically it starts off as any comedy anime would, set the only guy character up with several girls around him, make visual jokes with the characters everyone has a laugh and we all go home, but there is just something not right with this picture maybe it a look in the animated eyes but there is always something in the first two episodes that let you know that there is just something not right in this seemingly perfect world. As they get close to the Watanagashi festival keiichi learns about a string of serial killings that happen on the night of the festival and as he learns more he becomes entangles in the killing cycle. From here the stories diverge, with each of the arcs having the characters react slightly differently to certain events which result in drastic differences to the overall plot. The arcs range from two episodes to six episodes. The first two are both four episodes long just to get you into the feel of the anime and not throw you into the deep end of the chaos that is Higurashi.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love Hina
Ok before I start this review I just want to say that I am sorry that there were no reviews last week. There was a lot of family things going on and every time i tried to sit down and write something another thing came up. To make up for that though there are going to be three reviews out today this being the first. The next two will be later tonight and its going to be Shiki and Higurashi no naku koro ne. so if you come back in about 5-6 hours that those will be up ^_^ now on to the review
Love Hina
available in both English sub and official English dub
Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Comedy, Tsundere
watch it free here:
This entire story is just something that your supposed to kick back, laugh till your sides hurt, and enjoy. the story starts out with Keitarl Urashima having a dream about a promise that he made with a girl fifteen years ago to get in to Tokyo University so that they could live happily forever. After failing to get in to Tokyo U twice he goes to his grandma's inn to start working as the resident manager to pay for the classes he is taking to help get in. As he walks around to find his grandma he passes by an outdoor bath and decides to take a dip. This proves to be the start of what is all the slapstick violence goodness that is found in this anime.
The animation in this is very good, the style is more cartoon-y then realistic only so that they can do visual jokes with the characters. this anime was made in 2000 but because of the detail work that they put in to everything it does not look that old. The characters move well and the voice to mouth movement is done well. The backgrounds are very nice as well. the back drops are not entirely cartoon-y but are no where near realistic ether. The back drops fit the anime like a glove so that both complement each other. The opening animation fits the anime itself perfectly. you know what your going to get with the anime just by watching that. The ending animation is the girls rapped in white cloth looking kinda sad. there is no animation to it just a still picture that the camera travels around.
as mentioned in the animation part the voice timing was good, the voices them selves fit the characters decently as well. there is not a voice to old or to young for the character that it is meant to represent. the opening song is very up beat and nun to serious which leaves the mood going into the anime nice and light. the ending however is a bit sad sounding and i have no idea why they picked it. There is nothing that it really fits with and the mood of the anime being light hearted fun does not fit the mood of the ending song.
The two main characters in this anime are Keitarl Urashima and Naru Narusegawa who are both taking classes at the same place so that they can get into Tokyo U. the other characters that are going to matter are Haruka Urashima, Keitarl's aunt, Kaolla Su, Mitsune Konno, Motoko Aoyama, and Shinobu Maehara who all live in the all girls inn.
This was a good anime and the only one I finished in one day. (stayed up all night just so that i could finish it) The story is good and the comedy is great. If you like slap stick comedy, a little love story, or just siting back and watching something you don't have to think about this is the anime for you. I hope anyone who watches this enjoys it as much as i did.
Love Hina
available in both English sub and official English dub
Ecchi, Harem, Romance, Comedy, Tsundere
watch it free here:
This entire story is just something that your supposed to kick back, laugh till your sides hurt, and enjoy. the story starts out with Keitarl Urashima having a dream about a promise that he made with a girl fifteen years ago to get in to Tokyo University so that they could live happily forever. After failing to get in to Tokyo U twice he goes to his grandma's inn to start working as the resident manager to pay for the classes he is taking to help get in. As he walks around to find his grandma he passes by an outdoor bath and decides to take a dip. This proves to be the start of what is all the slapstick violence goodness that is found in this anime.
The animation in this is very good, the style is more cartoon-y then realistic only so that they can do visual jokes with the characters. this anime was made in 2000 but because of the detail work that they put in to everything it does not look that old. The characters move well and the voice to mouth movement is done well. The backgrounds are very nice as well. the back drops are not entirely cartoon-y but are no where near realistic ether. The back drops fit the anime like a glove so that both complement each other. The opening animation fits the anime itself perfectly. you know what your going to get with the anime just by watching that. The ending animation is the girls rapped in white cloth looking kinda sad. there is no animation to it just a still picture that the camera travels around.
as mentioned in the animation part the voice timing was good, the voices them selves fit the characters decently as well. there is not a voice to old or to young for the character that it is meant to represent. the opening song is very up beat and nun to serious which leaves the mood going into the anime nice and light. the ending however is a bit sad sounding and i have no idea why they picked it. There is nothing that it really fits with and the mood of the anime being light hearted fun does not fit the mood of the ending song.
The two main characters in this anime are Keitarl Urashima and Naru Narusegawa who are both taking classes at the same place so that they can get into Tokyo U. the other characters that are going to matter are Haruka Urashima, Keitarl's aunt, Kaolla Su, Mitsune Konno, Motoko Aoyama, and Shinobu Maehara who all live in the all girls inn.
This was a good anime and the only one I finished in one day. (stayed up all night just so that i could finish it) The story is good and the comedy is great. If you like slap stick comedy, a little love story, or just siting back and watching something you don't have to think about this is the anime for you. I hope anyone who watches this enjoys it as much as i did.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Ghost Hunt
Ghost Hunt
available in both English sub and official English dub
Shoujo, Horror, Detectives, Supernatural, Ghost Hunters
Story – 8/10
In this anime you are folowing Kazuya Shibuya and Mai Taniyama in a series or paranormal investigations through Kazuya Shibuya company Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR) along the way you are introduced to five other characters that will be prevalent thorugh out Ghost Hunt. Lin Koujo an exorcist and Kazuya Shibuya's assistent, Ayako Matsuzaki a shrine madden, Houshou Takigawa a Buddhist monk, John Brown a Cristian exorcist, and Masako Hara a medium. Each investigation is about 3-4 episodes long. The show is really good at keeping a creepy atmosphere throughout the investigations and adds some comedy to relive a bit of tension.
Animation/Art – 8/10
The character are is fairly well done and the movement is fluid and does not look out of place. Ghost Hunt tends not to reuse to much of the art which is very nice, and the backgrounds that they create are detailed and look good. How ever with that said the are seems a little too pretty sometimes for a ghost story anime. I would have liked to see a bit more of a grungy look to this.
Sound – 9/10
Ghost hunt tends to use a lot of instrumental music which works well for this type of anime. The voice acting is well done and you can really tell how there feeling just by voice alone. The background themes that are used add a lot of depth to the anime and fit perfectly with what is going on. I dont think you will have any of the tunes stuck in your head or be able to place a song immediately when you hear it without the anime though.
Characters 6/10
As mentioned in the story area there are two main characters and five secondary characters that are important. They don't have any real memorability to them though. They seem like the typical anime characters. there is not a lot of development with the characters ether and any development that they do have feels a little awkward as it has nothing to do with what the cast is doing. The characters don't take away from the anime but they don't add a whole lot ether.
Overall – 8/10
Overall I am give it this score because the story and feel of the anime is great and it will suck you in and even scare you a bit but the art and characters are a little to bright for the story its trying to tell. If you love horror movies, tv shows, or like watching all those paranormal investigation shows this anime was made for you with out a doubt. Others that might like this anime are people that like to have a scare every once in a while but cant handle blood guts and gore to well.
available in both English sub and official English dub
Shoujo, Horror, Detectives, Supernatural, Ghost Hunters
Story – 8/10
In this anime you are folowing Kazuya Shibuya and Mai Taniyama in a series or paranormal investigations through Kazuya Shibuya company Shibuya Psychic Research (SPR) along the way you are introduced to five other characters that will be prevalent thorugh out Ghost Hunt. Lin Koujo an exorcist and Kazuya Shibuya's assistent, Ayako Matsuzaki a shrine madden, Houshou Takigawa a Buddhist monk, John Brown a Cristian exorcist, and Masako Hara a medium. Each investigation is about 3-4 episodes long. The show is really good at keeping a creepy atmosphere throughout the investigations and adds some comedy to relive a bit of tension.
Animation/Art – 8/10
The character are is fairly well done and the movement is fluid and does not look out of place. Ghost Hunt tends not to reuse to much of the art which is very nice, and the backgrounds that they create are detailed and look good. How ever with that said the are seems a little too pretty sometimes for a ghost story anime. I would have liked to see a bit more of a grungy look to this.
Sound – 9/10
Ghost hunt tends to use a lot of instrumental music which works well for this type of anime. The voice acting is well done and you can really tell how there feeling just by voice alone. The background themes that are used add a lot of depth to the anime and fit perfectly with what is going on. I dont think you will have any of the tunes stuck in your head or be able to place a song immediately when you hear it without the anime though.
Characters 6/10
As mentioned in the story area there are two main characters and five secondary characters that are important. They don't have any real memorability to them though. They seem like the typical anime characters. there is not a lot of development with the characters ether and any development that they do have feels a little awkward as it has nothing to do with what the cast is doing. The characters don't take away from the anime but they don't add a whole lot ether.
Overall – 8/10
Overall I am give it this score because the story and feel of the anime is great and it will suck you in and even scare you a bit but the art and characters are a little to bright for the story its trying to tell. If you love horror movies, tv shows, or like watching all those paranormal investigation shows this anime was made for you with out a doubt. Others that might like this anime are people that like to have a scare every once in a while but cant handle blood guts and gore to well.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
FIRST REVIEW!!! Haibane Renmei
ok as the title says this is going to be a review for Haibane Renmei, so lets get this thing started ^_^
Slice of Life, Drama, Slow-paced, Angels
Story - 9.5/10
This anime starts out relatively slowly and maintains a slow pace throughout the entire anime. When the show starts you are following a girl, Rakka, falling from the sky. as she gets closer to the ground she becomes scared. after that you are introduced to all the other main characters. These characters all show up for the "hatching" of Rakka. Yes she is hatched from an egg like thing. As the story goes on you become entranced in this world that seems to be made up of both humans and angels. Around the middle of the story Rakka's wings start to change and, just like if something that was once normal for you and then suddenly started to change, Reakka started to freak out. she has to go through something like a test so that she can return to normal and continue living with everyone. the first three or four episodes are slower then the rest of the anime but this is to introduce all the characters and the new world that Rakka is in. As the story goes on you really do feel as if you know Rakka as like your best friend. As you watch though make sure to keep an eye on the details that are all around as there is a lot of syndicalism and foreshadowing in the first five episodes. the reason for the 9.5 is that this is a very original story line that when watched feels real and worked very well.
Animation/Art - 8/10
now i know that there are some people out there that will not agree with me on this but hear me out. while yes there are a lot of better character animations out there you will be hard pressed to find better landscapes. honestly it is not the character art that makes this anime it is the story and the beautiful landscapes/cityscape. The characters are decently drawn and animated well so it will not detract from the anime at all but when you compare the characters to the backdrops you can tell where there strong suit was.
Sound - 7/10
The voice acting is decent and the songs fit well in this anime. There is never a moment where you will find yourself wondering why the music is weird in a spot, however there is nothing memorable about the music ether you wont be walking away from this anime with any tunes or songs stuck in your head as they just don't stick with you.
Characters 9.5/10
this anime does a very good job at introducing the characters as it sets aside the first few episodes just so that you can get to know them. in most anime you have the copy and pasted character or the characters with no development to them ether you hate them or love them but in this anime you start of as strangers and end up with something comparable to a best friend. even with some of the twist and turns in this anime you with continue to love almost everyone in the anime.
Overall - 8.5/10
Overall I have to give it this score because while visually stunning with one of the best stories i have seen the anime is slow paced and those that want something with action or that cant sit down and read a Steven King book will probably loss interest in this after about four episodes but this anime may just have changed anime. it was really the first one that truly developed the characters rather then fights and gave us one of the top 20 if not top 5 story's of all time.
people that may like this:
Anyone who enjoys a good book will like definitely fall in love with this anime, those that appreciate art will like this anime and any one that wants a brake from Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, or similar animes will find this a nice story that will keep you busy for about 4 1/2 hours
This anime is available in both English sub and official English dub
Slice of Life, Drama, Slow-paced, Angels
Story - 9.5/10
This anime starts out relatively slowly and maintains a slow pace throughout the entire anime. When the show starts you are following a girl, Rakka, falling from the sky. as she gets closer to the ground she becomes scared. after that you are introduced to all the other main characters. These characters all show up for the "hatching" of Rakka. Yes she is hatched from an egg like thing. As the story goes on you become entranced in this world that seems to be made up of both humans and angels. Around the middle of the story Rakka's wings start to change and, just like if something that was once normal for you and then suddenly started to change, Reakka started to freak out. she has to go through something like a test so that she can return to normal and continue living with everyone. the first three or four episodes are slower then the rest of the anime but this is to introduce all the characters and the new world that Rakka is in. As the story goes on you really do feel as if you know Rakka as like your best friend. As you watch though make sure to keep an eye on the details that are all around as there is a lot of syndicalism and foreshadowing in the first five episodes. the reason for the 9.5 is that this is a very original story line that when watched feels real and worked very well.
Animation/Art - 8/10
now i know that there are some people out there that will not agree with me on this but hear me out. while yes there are a lot of better character animations out there you will be hard pressed to find better landscapes. honestly it is not the character art that makes this anime it is the story and the beautiful landscapes/cityscape. The characters are decently drawn and animated well so it will not detract from the anime at all but when you compare the characters to the backdrops you can tell where there strong suit was.
Sound - 7/10
The voice acting is decent and the songs fit well in this anime. There is never a moment where you will find yourself wondering why the music is weird in a spot, however there is nothing memorable about the music ether you wont be walking away from this anime with any tunes or songs stuck in your head as they just don't stick with you.
Characters 9.5/10
this anime does a very good job at introducing the characters as it sets aside the first few episodes just so that you can get to know them. in most anime you have the copy and pasted character or the characters with no development to them ether you hate them or love them but in this anime you start of as strangers and end up with something comparable to a best friend. even with some of the twist and turns in this anime you with continue to love almost everyone in the anime.
Overall - 8.5/10
Overall I have to give it this score because while visually stunning with one of the best stories i have seen the anime is slow paced and those that want something with action or that cant sit down and read a Steven King book will probably loss interest in this after about four episodes but this anime may just have changed anime. it was really the first one that truly developed the characters rather then fights and gave us one of the top 20 if not top 5 story's of all time.
people that may like this:
Anyone who enjoys a good book will like definitely fall in love with this anime, those that appreciate art will like this anime and any one that wants a brake from Bleach, Naruto, One Piece, or similar animes will find this a nice story that will keep you busy for about 4 1/2 hours
This anime is available in both English sub and official English dub
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Hello and welcome to Everyone has an Anime
This is just to let you all know that i have only just put this up so there is nothing yet. I plan on posting up a review at least two to three times a week along with a link to a legal sight where you can watch the Anime that i had just put up a review or recommendation for.
Just to clarify:
A review will be a post about an Anime that is already complete it will include a score and information about the animation, originality, story line, music, and an overall assessment which will include who i think may like the Anime.
A recommendation is going to be for and Anime that is still ongoing. Recommendations for new Anime will only show up after about 3-5 episodes have shown just so that i have an idea of what the Anime is about and who might enjoy it.
Well that's all for now. I will have a review up withing a few days (probably tomorrow) so please come back often ^_^
P.S. please do not block the ad's as that is how i am going to be able to keep the blog up. I buy a lot of the Anime that i watch so that the makers can continue to bring us good Anime. ~thanks ^_^
Just to clarify:
A review will be a post about an Anime that is already complete it will include a score and information about the animation, originality, story line, music, and an overall assessment which will include who i think may like the Anime.
A recommendation is going to be for and Anime that is still ongoing. Recommendations for new Anime will only show up after about 3-5 episodes have shown just so that i have an idea of what the Anime is about and who might enjoy it.
Well that's all for now. I will have a review up withing a few days (probably tomorrow) so please come back often ^_^
P.S. please do not block the ad's as that is how i am going to be able to keep the blog up. I buy a lot of the Anime that i watch so that the makers can continue to bring us good Anime. ~thanks ^_^
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